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Popful Mail

PlatformSega CD
DeveloperWorking Designs
# of Players1 Player
Age RatingAll Players
AvailableFebruary 1995

Working Designs, the company best known for releasing two superb translations in Lunar and Vay, has released a joyful, new adventure for Sega-CD systems. Her name is Popful Mail, and she's a bounty hunter on a mission to track down a no-good spellcaster called Muttonhead. Her initial goal may have been that coveted multi-million-dollar reward for Muttonhead's capture, but as Mail soon discovers, a conspiracy is afoot to destroy the world. Popful's graphics are clean, smooth, and well-done. Those scrolling, scenic backgrounds are lovely and the added 20-minutes of animated cinemas are superb and engaging. The story is accompanied by voiced conversation as well!

WD once again brought their best humorists along to lead their effort to totally redesign this title and its story. Be prepared for an abundance of puns and goofy gags that were undeniably made here in the States. (Why, yes, these are Bugle Boy Jeans!) However, this title was originally developed by Falcom, the designers of the increasingly forgotten Ys series on Turbo. Fans of those games ought to know that Falcom means business when it comes to creating action-RPGs. And yet, nothing about the gameplay is particularly innovative. Outside of Working Designs' commendable re-vamp of the game's narrative, this is an above-average side-scrolling adventure which will take most players around 40-50 hours to complete.

Printed in Issue #22, February 1995

 GAMEPLAY: Very Good
 GRAPHICS: Very Good
 SOUND: Excellent
JET'S REMARK: Tired of playing as the bumbling Mail? Swap characters to Tat, a wizard lad, or Gaw, a flying bat thing. Kudos to the Falcom for balancing this unlikely triad.

Review Station Last Stop
Overall, a quality side-scrolling action-RPG skillfully programmed with attention to detail, then improved with a hefty dash of humor courtesy of Working Designs. A worthwhile pickup.

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