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Shinobi Legions

# of Players1 Player
Age RatingTeen Players
AvailableSeptember 1995

Sega built its legacy on a score of smash hits over the course of the Genesis' life. For Saturn to find similar success, we ought to expect 32-Bit entries in popular franchises like the classic Shinobi saga. Taking the role of a skillful ninja, conquer side-scrolling stages with a multitude of abilities. Act on your stealth attacks, slash in all directions, deflect shuriken back at your foes, and initiate the famed super-jump sword-spin. Controls are tight, fluid, and responsive, which is a must in these complex and incredibly difficult stages. Smooth animation lines up perfectly with the control scheme, adding to the ninja feel. Gotta love those special effects too. One never tires of gruesome blood splatters and colorful explosions.

FMV is present in Shinobi Legions as well, but thankfully, none of it is intrusive. These cinemas present silly, over-the-top acting straight out of an old ninja film, which we found a ton of fun. As for the background tunes, they are nothing too memorable or CD-worthy, but the music does not distract from the action, either. Sound effects are rock-solid and realistic, from the sword slashes to the enemy yelps. Kudos to the voicework, too. Word of warning, these stages are exceedingly tough, so be prepared to play out the same rounds over and over again. E-SWAT is a fair comparison. Think Genesis-era Sega in the arcades. Brutal, but certainly a rewarding sucker after losing a week's worth of quarters.

Printed in Issue #30, October 1995

 GAMEPLAY: Very Good
 GRAPHICS: Very Good
 SOUND: Mostly Good
JET'S REMARK: Even if Legions opts against groundbreaking gameplay or stunning visuals, it maintains the forsaken fun factor absent in so many 3-D cash grabs on Saturn and PS-X.

Review Station Last Stop
Shinobi fans will feel right at home on Sega Saturn. Legions is a tight, fluid platforming game, with shiny graphics and a hefty dose of difficulty. It may not be polygon-rendered, but it's a worthwhile entry.

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