Welcome to the Official PPM Slime of the Season.
Have you ever played a game so thoroughly rotten, so outright disgusting, and so downright despicable that you'd rather flush it down the toilet than plug it into your gaming console? Our team has dedicated this section of the mag exclusively for those nastiest of nasties. To them, we award our dishonorable Slime of the Season. There is no higher glory for electronic scum than being showcased as a Slime Award recipient.
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Time Killers on SEGA GENESIS
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It's not every day that you bear witness to a game lacking any redeeming factors whatsoever. Even the worst titles in gaming history usually have one or two positive attributes. Hell, even Corpse Killer had us laughing hysterically. And yet, Time Killers on the Sega Genesis is such a pus-filled bucket of slime that we cannot hope to put an ounce of lipstick on this pig. Don't believe us? Try popping this cartridge in and playing more than fifteen seconds without putting the controller down in sheer disbelief and disgust. This poor excuse for a 2-D fighting game desperately hopes that its players forget the lively animations of Street Fighter 2 or the engaging gameplay of SNK's The King of Fighters series.
Shield your eyes from the horror! |
Yawn. Boring, copycat fatalities. |
Time Killers takes the genre far back to the past with terribly outdated and dull fighter designs, garishly unpleasant graphics, and the most uninspired gameplay one can imagine. Moves are extremely limited and hardly vary from combatant to combatant. Controls are horrendous and, you guessed it, the music sucks equally bad. Those poor folks developing this port kept the arcade fatality moves intact, but it does little to alieviate the pain. "Super Death Moves," as they are called, do exhibit some over-the-top bloodshed, but it's nothing we all haven't seen done far better in MK II or Eternal Champions. Take our advice and if you happen to see this game at your local Babbage's or Blockbuster Video, sprint away.
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