Who Shall Be Crowned The Latest Slime Winner?
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PPM Reviewers will routinely designate their official Slime of the Season.
Have you ever played a game so thoroughly rotten, so ugly and bad, and just so downright gross that you'd rather just toss it in the trash? We've dedicated this section exclusively for those nasty little buggers, and it is to those games we award our dishonorable Slime of the Season. There is no higher glory for electronic scum than being showcased as a Slime Award recipient. Think of it as the quintessential Video Game Golden Raspberry.
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Awesome Possum on GENESIS
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What joy! You've just returned from the shopping mall with a brand-new Sega Genesis game. I bet you can't wait to pop that baby in and get started on a fresh journey. But - Oh no! It's Awesome Possum by Tengen! Better not jam that cart down, or you may just end up like Jennifer in Nightmare on Elm Street 3. OK it's not exactly that bad, but this turkey of a game is a miserable time, through and through. This poor excuse for a platformer disguises itself as a quick and spunky experience with loads of speed and voice acting, but this thing's lackluster even next to Bubsy.
Watch out!.. Oh never mind. |
In Sea or in Space? Who knows? |
If you are one of those players who couldn't get into Bubsy because of his wise-cracking jokes and self-aware humor, then stay far away from this cart. Awesome Possum presents an unlikable and cocky protagonist and spits him into a dull world with ear-piercing, rhythmless music. Worst of all, the play control is horrendous. Why bother developing a platform game if your character lacks any offensive abilities? It's like Super Mario without a jump attack! (We apologize to Nintendo for comparing their mascot to this filth -Jet.) Toss this one straight in the recycle bin.
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