Who Shall Be Crowned The Latest Slime Winner?
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PPM Reviewers will routinely designate their official Slime of the Season.
Have you ever played a game so thoroughly rotten, so ugly and bad, and just so downright gross that you'd rather just toss it in the trash? We've dedicated this section exclusively for those nasty little buggers, and to those games we award our dishonorable Slime of the Season. There is no higher glory for electronic scum than being showcased as a Slime Award recipient.
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Rise of the Robots on SNES
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Gaming is all about hype these days. Manufacturing excitement over an industry product requires a ton of money and effort by paid marketing professionals, but sometimes the core product is just a total letdown. Mirage and Acclaim engaged in a gigantic campaign to build interest in Rise of the Robots, their 3-D(ish) fighter with revolutionary and unparalleled graphics. On PC and the fast-aging SNES, the graphical showcase is undoubtedly impressive. But what was it they seemed to forget about? Oh, yeah. Gameplay! You see, regardless of a title's shiny appearance, it is all for naught if the innards make you hurl.
Behold the dazzling spectacle! |
Enjoy the Android. He's mandatory. |
Seemingly no real effort was placed in the playability department. It's important to have snappy controls when designing a competitive fighting game, but the character responsiveness in Rise is plagued by sluggishness. Animation is choppy, the six-bot roster is miniscule, and the lack of attack diversity is stunning in the worst possible way. Two special moves is all you get. Our team has not endured a fighter this poor in ages, and it's a real testament to the power of hype and advertising that this cart is selling any copies at all. Paying more than a red cent for Rise is pure idiocy. Remember, kids, never judge a book by its cover.
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