Who Shall Be Crowned The Latest Slime Winner?
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PPM Reviewers will routinely designate their official Slime of the Season.
Have you ever played a game so thoroughly rotten, so ugly and bad, and just so downright gross that you'd rather just toss it in the trash? We've dedicated this section exclusively for those nasty little buggers, and to those games we award our dishonorable Slime of the Season. There is no higher glory for electronic scum than being showcased as a Slime Award recipient.
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"Hey, guys, who wants to make a quick buck?" This phrase must have been uttered by the head of Syrox Developments when concocting their plan to unleash this product tie-in onto the market. To catch everyone up to speed, VR Troopers is a campy, superhero TV show for younger viewers produced by Saban Entertainment - the same studio that brought Power Rangers to our shores. Much like the lackluster program itself, this game is undeniably an attempt to cash-in on the morphinominal sensation. Imagine a one-on-one fighting game with generic characters (and only three to choose from!), bland movesets, and a computer AI that is easier to defeat than a can of tuna. Not a pretty sight, is it?
It's my Mother In-Law! |
Cookie-Cutter Fighter 101 |
Of the three available modes, only "Story Game" is worth mentioning. This selection brings you to an uninspired text scroll accompanied by two singular sprites. Read the boring summary or skip it to proceed to the battle screen. Players will then realize the myriad of issues that plague VR Troopers, from the imprecise play control to the horrendously cheesy, outdated graphics. Special moves are all but impossible to pull off, but you can likely win the tournament by repeatedly bashing foes with low kicks. Worst of all is the poor sound design: Agonizingly grainy and headache-inducing. All in all a perfect example of how certain studios forgo quality standards altogether to make bank on a craze.
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