Who Shall Be Crowned The Latest Slime Winner?
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PPM Reviewers will routinely designate their official Slime of the Season.
This dishorable title is granted to the very worst games available and they will be debased for that very reason. For the absolute grossest, laziest, and horrific titles that make you want to go postal, there is no higher honor than being showcased as a Slime Award Recipient. Think of it as the quintessential Video Game Golden Raspberry.
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Oh dear, Electronic Arts. Your reputation for realistic, engaging Sega Genesis games stretches far back to that console's original release several years ago. Like the rest of America we are enthralled with John Madden Football, but we've seen your spectacular role-playing, action, and strategy repertoire. The Immortal, Centurion, and King's Bounty to name only a few. Yet, here we are with what may just be their absolute worst offering on a 16-bit console so far.
Graphics Straight Outta 1989 |
Lazy n Ugly Boss Design |
Risky Woods is a mediocre enough Amiga and DOS game, but nothing too demanding that merited the type of horrendous downgrade we have before us now. The play control boggles the mind. It is not quite at the level of pure unplayability, but it's pretty darn close! The uninspired and flimsy cartoonish graphics we can move past, the forgettable sound design is no deal-breaker, but this sorry title feels like a scrapped project from the late-80s. Save yourself the trouble and just play through Ghouls 'n Ghosts again.
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