Who Shall Be Crowned The Latest Slime Winner?
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PPM Reviewers will routinely designate their official Slime of the Season.
Have you ever played a game so thoroughly rotten, so ugly and bad, and just so downright gross that you'd rather just toss it in the trash? We've dedicated this section exclusively for those nasty little buggers, and it is to those games we award our dishonorable Slime of the Season. There is no higher glory for electronic scum than being showcased as a Slime Award recipient. Think of it as the quintessential Video Game Golden Raspberry.
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Wayne's World on NES
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Wayne and Garth are a gut-busting duo on TV, and their recent cinematic comedywon over critics as cynical as Roger Ebert. Now, if only the game programmers over at THQ would've created a halfway decent game adaptation. Look, we get it. Turning Wayne's World into a video game is no easy feat, but it boggles the mind how anyone believed this NES cart was ready for release. This cart is bland, bland, bland. The NES may have its well-documented graphical limitations, but these simplistic sprites, single-colored backgrounds, and uninspired levels are unfit for the likes of the ColecoVision (Look it up -Jet).
Designed By a 2-Year Old. |
Good Luck Beating This Stage |
Much like our previous Slime Award winner, Awesome Possum, Wayne's World suffers from a debilitating gameplay flaw. No offensive attacks! Wayne can only deliver short-range kicks, but this move is no use against jumping ninjas and flying harmonicas. Then, once your character dies, it's back to the start of the game! No mercy! Enjoy playing through that Garth stage again and again, listening to the awful, repetitive soundtrack until your ears bleed. To us, this cart smells like a pathetic cash grab and is best left avoided. In the ever-eloquent words of Wayne, "It certainly does suck!"
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