Who Shall Be Crowned The Latest Slime Winner?
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PPM Reviewers will routinely designate their official Slime of the Season.
Have you ever played a game so thoroughly rotten, so ugly and bad, and just so downright gross that you'd rather just toss it in the trash? We've dedicated this section exclusively for those nasty little buggers, and to those games we award our dishonorable Slime of the Season. There is no higher glory for electronic scum than being showcased as a Slime Award recipient.
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Bubsy 2 on GENESIS & SNES
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Not that darn cat, again! For all the immense mounds of hype Bubsy received up to its '93 launch, games players were eventually handed an average, forgettable platforming title. In theory, the sequel should have remedied the original's faults, but Bubsy 2 is instead a whisker away from total disaster. Accolade's loudmouthed bobcat returned this October for an unpleasant second outing, all through a myriad of uninspired and repetitious levels. These range from so-so to downright tedious. Bland art design and cheap graphics remove perhaps the original cart's greatest asset: The wittiness of Bubsy's animation.
Bland colors scream early 16-Bit |
Gah! I can barely see the stage! |
If Bubsy the Bobcat's famous, in-fur-iating attitude drew to you him, you may enjoy that element of the game. His sarcasm knows no bounds, and he will spat out endless dialogue at every opportunity. Past the impossible hit detection and awful play control, by far the worst element of Bubsy 2 is its ear-piercing musical score and soundwork. Lame is putting it nicely. Terrible sound effects plague all character interactions, coupled with nauseating tunes surely developed by a Barney-watching toddler. Players who insist on trying this bunk ought to press the mute button. Might as well grab the blindfold while you're at it.
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